Unlocking the Flavors of Cold Brew: The Best Coffee Beans to Use

This article is for all the coffee lovers out there that seek to reduce the side effects of drinking too much coffee. While some may suggest quitting this habit completely, you do not necessarily have to do this because the secret to a healthier version of coffee is in cold brew. However, not all beans are suitable for this, hence you need to know a thing or two about which beans are the best.

During roasting, coffee beans completely change their properties – they become lighter, larger in volume, and acquire a stronger smell and taste. It is precisely the high temperature that allows coffee to develop its distinctive aroma. But the quality of beans is also important, therefore it is advisable to find a quality coffee bean subscription, like the one available on FollyCoffee.

What is cold brew…

When you read cold brew, you probably thought of iced coffee first, but cold brewed coffee is definitely not that! Cold-prepared coffee is simply coffee that has been prepared cold – without cooking. With this kind of coffee, the process of obtaining a black drink from coffee beans is completely different than with classically prepared coffee, which has to be boiled.

First of all, this method of preparation will result in a completely different taste. Some even believe that this process emphasizes the characteristics of beans from a different geographical origin, which is difficult with cooked coffee. This coffee tastes milder and sweeter than regular one, and you’ll love it because it’s not as sour as the one you’re used to.

Besides, trust us when we say that you’ve never tried a drink that wakes you up as efficiently as cold brew. It is also great because it saves us a lot of time in the morning. We simply make a larger amount for the weekend, pour it into bottles and put it in the refrigerator, and that’s how our already prepared black elixir awaits us in the refrigerator every morning.

As for what you should know about brewing to achieve the best flavor, the secret is in the right roasting technique. It is said that medium and dark roast is the best option, so let’s take a look at how roasting can influence the taste.

Temperature is important…

  • At 100°C (212°F) the beans turn golden and the smell of roasting becomes noticeable.
  • Above 150-180°C (302-356°F) the grains become larger, shiny, and brown.
  • Between 200°-230°C (392-446°F), roasting reaches an optimal level and the coffee acquires a distinctive aroma.

The preparation technique…

The BEST Cold Coffee Japanese Iced Coffee

If you’ve already felt daunted by reading about which technique to use, after reading this, you’ll find out it’s actually very easy. First, it is best to have coarsely ground coffee. You can also make it with finely ground coffee, but then your drink will be thicker and somewhat “muddy”. The best coffee is ground slightly coarser than cornmeal. And you will achieve even better results if you have the opportunity to grind coffee at home.

Grind one stick of whole coffee beans and soak them in 4 cups of cold water. Leave it to stand for a minimum of 12 hours, and you can leave it for longer, which will affect its taste and strength.

This kind of coffee is usually served diluted with a little more water (you can also use milk or even better, vegetable milk) and ice cubes.

Long-term aromatization of water with ground coffee beans without exposure to high temperatures results in a fresher taste of coffee that has less bitterness and acid, so it “sits” more easily on the stomach.

To summarize…

cold brew coffee

The darker the beans, the more they lose their original flavor and gain more flavor from the roasting process.

The intensity of the flavor increases, until the second shot, when it begins to weaken.

With a lighter roast, the grain is more acidic than with a darker one.

Lightly roasted grains are dry, while darker roasts develop oil on the surface.

Medium and dark roast is the best for cold brew.

Once your cold brew is prepared, the best thing about it is that it can sit for days, without going to waste. When it comes to taste, it is very individual, so it’s best to try out different beans and see what suits you best. One thing you should look for is the fresh ones. If you’re buying already roasted one, here’s what to pay attention to:

  • Color- First check the color of the beans, if they are dark brown, that’s a good sign! Fresh coffee beans should also be shiny and have a smooth surface.  If the beans are dull or discolored, this is a sign that they may be old.
  • Smell- If it smells sour or musty, it’s a sure sign that it’s no longer fresh.
  • Taste – If the coffee tastes flat or has a burnt taste, it means that the beans are no longer at their peak.
  • Check the date – Coffee usually has a shelf life of about two weeks, so if it’s been longer than that, it might not be as fresh as you’d like.
  • Date of roasting – The roast date is probably the most important factor in determining freshness, so if you find it, be sure to check it!

Finally, to master your cold brew, look for a tutorial on which technique to use for brewing, as this skill will be necessary to unlock the best flavor. You can also purchase some of the sets for cold breweing which can help you get the most out of the brew. For all lovers of sweeter coffee, we recommend adding cinnamon instead of the usual sugar. Not only are the flavors a great match, but a teaspoon of cinnamon every morning can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.